Business Ecosystem

From SaaS to Logistics, launch ecosystems to create unique offerings for businesses & SMEs

Trusted by 25+ Global banks

Shift in SME and Corporate spending

15% YoY

Growth of SaaS Spends

USD 500Bn

SaaS Market by 2025

35 SaaS Tools

Average number used by an SME

1000 USD

Per subscription cost per year

Benefits for Banks

Differentiate  offerings for business customers  increasing transactions on channels dedicated for business and corporate customers.


Create a differentiated proposition by offering discounts 50+ SaaS and add net new customers

Increase Walletshare

Capture recurring spends on SaaS subscriptions with ~40% discount on 50+ business tools.


Ramp up retention levels by creating stickiness for customers by increasing products per customer


Revolutionize your relationship with business customers by with a SaaS Ecosystem integrated via a new platform model.

Plug & Play platform

Go live in just weeks with a pre-built platform that can be customized to your brand and customer journeys

Partner Network

Partner selection, onboarding, management and reconciliation will be managed by Nuclei with zero intervention from you

Payment Gateway Integration

Integrate your payment gateway of choice (card, wallet, current account) to complete the transaction

SME and Business Customer Benefits

Software Curation

Pick software of choice from a selection of multiple tools based on use cases and company size

Recurring Discounts

Reduce costs, get visibility into software expenses across multiple software tools used across the organization

License Management

Monitor licenses and usage. Add, upgrade and downgrade licenses from a single platform powered by bank of choice.

Business Consultation

Book a consultation with an expert to make an informed decision. Get support, consultation and training.

International Payments

Setup recurring payments for international tools from your local bank account or card

Bring all essential SaaS tools and business software onto your payment channels

Every business needs software

2+ employees
50+ employees
500+ employees
2000+ employees

More resources on Business Ecosystems

Singapore SaaS Market Outlook

Singapore SaaS Market Outlook

Fill the form and download your resource

UAE SaaS Market Outlook

UAE SaaS Market Outlook

Fill the form and download your resource

Economies leading SaaSification

Economies leading SaaSification

Fill the form and download your resource

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a distributor of these software licenses?

No. The licenses are fulfilled by authorized distributors of the product. This ensures that customers receive the best prices and expert assistance - all while directly maintaining the involvement of the OEMs in the process.

Can customers speak to someone before purchasing the software?

Yes, business customers can avail complimentary consultation from a subject matter expert who will guide them in making educated choices.

How are the partners selected for the ecosystem?

Partners on the platform go through a rigorous vetting to ensure that they abide by the quality and standards expected. This ensures that the products subscribed are  genuine and are directly associated with the OEM of the products. 

The partner teams are also equipped to provide the support required to get customers started post subscription.

What if our business customers can't find a specific software provider on the platform?

We ensure that all the popular brands of business software products are listed on the platform. In case a desired software isn’t listed on the marketplace - customers can reach out to us through the form on the platform. Our team will work towards getting the best pricing for the product and notify them when it's available.

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Ecosystem practices

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